You are likely reading this article because you have a mole or a number of moles on your body. The good news is that the majority of moles are totally harmless and the only reason for getting rid of them is for cosmetic purposes.
Some moles can fade away of their own accord but on the other hand, they can linger and change in appearance – not always for the better.
Moles can be medically removed but some people prefer to try less invasive home remedies. One potential remedy is the use of essential oils. These powerful plant extracts have been widely used for hundreds of years to treat a wide range of conditions. But can they help treat moles?
Let us take a look at some of the most popular essential oils for treating moles and how to use them.
What are Moles?
A mole is a small lesion somewhere on the skin. It is actually a collection of cells that produce melanin known as melanocytes. As you are no doubt aware, melanin is the pigment that gives color to the skin.;
Moles are typically a shade of brown but can range from skin-colored to a much darker color. Typically, moles are oval or round with a smooth edge. Some are rough, others are flat. They can be raised while some sprout hairs.
Over time, moles can go through changes in appearance and numbers. Some will eventually fade away before dropping off. They often respond to hormonal changes for example during a pregnancy, teenage years or old age. Teenagers often develop more moles while they often get darker during a woman’s pregnancy.
Moles typically appear inside the first 20 or 30 years of life. Some babies are actually born with moles. People with light skin are more prone to developing moles than those with dark skin.
Quick Facts About Moles
- Moles are usually inherited.
- People with light skin are more likely to have moles than those with dark skin.
- People who grew up in sunny climes are more likely to have moles than those with similar skin who grew up in less sunny regions.
- In very rare cases, moles can develop into a skin cancer known as malignant melanoma.
- However, the vast majority of all moles are totally harmless.
- Moles can develop on any part of the body.
- Moles are not the same thing as sun spots.
- People with moles should check them often for any change in appearance or texture.
Treatment for Moles
While the vast majority of all moles are completely harmless, your doctor may recommend surgical removal if :
- The mole might be cancerous or is suspected of being a melanoma.
- It causes problems and discomfort. A mole can make shaving difficult or get caught in a person’s clothing.
Medical procedures to remove moles
If your doctor recommends removing the mole, there are several common removal methods used.
- Shave excision : With his method, the area surrounding the mole gets numbed. Your doctor then cuts under and around the mole. This is often used for small moles and no stitches are required. This method is usually used if a melanoma is detected early.
- Excision surgery : Both the mole and a surrounding area of healthy skin are cut out with a scalpel or punch device. This is a more invasive method of removal and stitches will be required. This method is often used when a cancerous mole is detected later.
When To See the Doctor
You should consult your dermatologist before embarking on any home removal treatment for your moles.
You should also be aware of any signs of melanoma. If you notice any of these signs, visit your doctor as soon as possible for a proper examination :
- Irregular shaped moles.
- Irregular borders.
- Moles changing colors.
- Moles rapidly changing size and shape.
- large moles with a diameter more than quarter of an inch.
Essential Oils for Removing Moles
While moles are nearly always harmless, many people would like to remove them for understandable cosmetic reasons. Medical removal can be a costly and intrusive process so people often turn to a home remedy,
Home remedies for mole removal include natural treatments like potato peel, honey and aloe vera. However, we are going to focus our attention on essential oils.
Although many people swear by the holistic approach to mole removal, there is little in the way of hard evidence to vouch for their effectiveness. Bear in mind that the essential oil remedies to follow are based on anecdotal evidence and theoretical potential rather than concrete scientific studies.
It is also important to note that while the majority of moles a safe, they should not be taken lightly. It is important to play it safe and consult a dermatologist before trying to treat the mole yourself at home.
Oregano Essential Oil
The first essential oil on our list is oregano oil. This powerful oil owes its range of medicinal uses to its antiseptic, anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties. It is also a natural immune system stimulant making it an effective remedy for many skin problems.
This essential oil is often applied to the skin to deal with a number of common unsightly skin complaints including warts, skin tags, wrinkles and it may also help treat moles naturally.
Oregano essential oil is very powerful and can be quite harsh when applied to the skin. It is therefore doubly important to dilute it well before applying it to the skin.
How to Use Oregano Oil
Dilute 3 or 4 drops of oregano oil with a suitable carrier oil such as coconut or flaxseed oil. Use a cotton ball to soak the mixture and squeeze out the excess. Place the oil-infused cotton ball on your mole and secure it in place with a band aid. Let it work for 15 or so minutes and repeat the process twice a day for as long as necessary.
It is normal for oregano essential oil to cause some tingling but this should subside after a minute or so. If you have a more extreme reaction, you should wash off the oil as soon as possible and stop using the oil completely.
Tea Tree Essential Oil
Tea tree essential oil is becoming increasingly popular to treat a very wide range of ailments. It has been very well studied and is especially well-known for its anti-inflammatory and antibacterial prowess.
While there is no scientific evidence that tea tree oil can help treat and remove a mole, a number of people use the oil for just that purpose. It is also a popular choice for various other skin complaints including warts, wrinkles and skin tags.
How to use Tea Tree Essential Oil
Tea tree essential oil should never be applied to the skin undiluted. Make sure that you dilute your essential oil with a suitable carrier oil. Apply the oil to the moles with a cotton ball several times each day for as long as necessary.
Frankincense Essential Oil
Good old frankincense essential oil is a fragrant oil popular in aromatherapy but it has a lot more to offer besides. Frankincense essential oil is often applied to the skin to help deal with various conditions from eczema and psoriasis to warts and moles.
Frankincense essential oil may help to treat warts because it has certain properties that can help absorb oil and dry your skin. According to proponents, the oil reacts with your mole, helping it to dry out and eventually fall off.
How to Use Frankincense Essential oil
While frankincense essential oil is known as one of the more gentle-acting oils, it must still be diluted before being applied to the skin.
Dilute it well with a suitable carrier oil such as coconut oil or sweet almond oil. Dip in a cotton ball and apply it to your mole several times a day. You can also apply the cotton ball to the mole and hold it in place for 15 minutes or so with a band aid.
Rosemary Essential Oil
Rich in medicinal phenolic compounds, this essential oil has a number of potential uses. It is often used to treat various skin conditions and contains properties that may help prevent the growth of abnormal cells.
Rosemary essential oil also contains a powerful compound called rosmarinic acid. This compound is responsible for the plant’s excellent antioxidant and anti-inflammatory prowes.
How to Use Rosemary Essential Oil
Makes sure that you dilute rosemary essential oil with a carrier oil like coconut or almond oil. dip a cotton ball into the mix and apply it to your moles several times a day. Apply the oil for 3 or 4 weeks to see if it is working for you.
Copaiba Essential Oil
Copaiba essential oil may not be as well known as some of the others on this list but it comes with a number of potential uses including many skin benefits.
In fact, people use copaiba essential oil to treat various skin blemishes including wrinkles, age spots and scars. Copaiba may work because of its excellent astringent properties that can help tighten up the skin and help it look more youthful.
While there is no scientific evidence that copaiba oil can help treat moles, it is certainly a great tonic for the skin and we think it is worth a try. Many users claim that it can reduce the appearance of blemishes and marks from wrinkles to liver spots and scars.
How to Use Copaiba Essential Oil
Dilute the oil with a suitable carrier oil like sweet almond, flax seed or coconut oil. Dip a cotton ball or swab into the mixture and apply it to the affected area of your skin twice a day.
Cedarwood Essential Oil
While cedarwood essential oil is not known to impact melanocytes, it has excellent anti-inflammatory properties. It is commonly used to treat a range of chronic inflammatory skin complaints including eczema and psoriasis.
There is no evidence that it can work on moles apart from the purely anecdotal, but it may be worth a shot. In theory, it can help prevent sun damage that can lead to the appearance of sun spots and potentially moles.
How to Use Cedarwood Essential Oil
Simply dilute your cedarwood essential oil with a suitable carrier oil and apply it with a cotton ball. Apply to your moles and other skin blemishes twice a day for up to four weeks and hopefully you will start to see results.
Clove Essential Oil
Clove essential oil is a very powerful oil with a range of potential uses. It is well-known for its antiseptic, antimicrobial and anesthetic properties and is widely used to treat oral problems from toothache to gingivitis.
However, clove essential oil can also be used topically to treat various skin conditions and may help cauterize the skin to aid in the removal of moles and other blemishes like skin tags and warts.
Clove oil is particularly powerful and should not be used by pregnant women.
How to Use Clove essential Oil
Add a few drops of clove oil to quarter cup of a suitable carrier oil. Soak a cotton ball into the mixture and apply it to your blemish twice each day. If your skin reacts badly, stop using this oil immediately.
Thyme Essential Oil
And last but not least on our list, we have yet another herbal oil. Thyme essential oil is also very rich in phenolic compounds, which may cause the death of melanocytes and the eradication of your moles.
According to proponents, strong herbal oils like thyme, oregano and rosemary can effectively cauterize the affected skin and help treat moles and other unsightly skin blemishes.
Thyme essential oil gets many of its medicinal benefits from the presence of a compound called thymol. This can help bring inflammation under control and when applied regularly, may help treat your mole.
How to Use Thyme Essential Oil
Thyme essential oil is very powerful so it is vitally important that you dilute it well with a carrier oil before applying it to your skin. Repeat the process twice a day for 3 or 4 weeks before giving your skin a break for a week or so.
How to Use Essential Oils for Moles
The most important thing to remember is that essential oils are very powerful and must be diluted before you apply them.
Carrier oils include coconut oil, flaxseed oil, sesame seed oil and castor oil. Add a few drops of your chosen essential oil to a quarter cup of carrier oil.
Apply the essential oil mixture to your moles with a cotton ball or a Q-tip. To protect the healthy skin surrounding your mole, you can use vaseline or some of your carrier oil. Apply the oil to your mole or moles twice a day for three or four weeks. You can cover the mole with a band aid to ensure that it is absorbed properly.
Frequently Asked Questions
How long does it take to see results?
While essential oils can be effective in removing skin blemishes, they can take quite a long time to have the desired effect. When it comes to essential oils and skin blemishes, patience is a virtue.
Some people may see results inside a few weeks while others might not see any effects for many months. A number of factors are important including the size and location of the growth. If the treatment is eventually successful, the mole simply drops off leaving a small area of pink skin which should heal up quite quickly.
What are the best essential oils for age spots on face?
As well as helping to treat moles. essential oils can also treat various other blemishes including age spots on the face. Some of the best essential oils for age spots include tea tree oil, lavender oil, geranium oil and frankincense essential oil.
What essential oils are good for Liver Spots?
The same essential oils that work for age spots on the face can also work for dark blemishes like liver spots on other parts of the body. Try tea tree, frankincense, geranium and lavender essential oils. Make sure that you dilute them well with a carrier oil before applying them to your skin.
Final Thoughts
Moles are small, dark spots on the skin which can be raised or flat. they are a collection of melanin=-producing cells and are usually totally harmless.
They can be removed by traditional, surgical means but many people prefer to try removing them naturally. certain essential oils may help. Some of the best include herbal oils like oregano oil, thyme oil and clove essential oil. Other potential remedies are frankincense, tea tree and cedarwood essential oil.
You should always dilute your oils with a suitable carrier oil before applying them to your skin.
Please let us know if you have had success treating moles with any of the essential oils above. We would be very happy to hear from you.
The post Essential Oils for Moles by Marc Seward appeared first on Healthy Focus.